Welcome to your Ayurvedic Cleanse with Nikki Nie!

This is an opportunity to clear out Ama (toxins in the body and mind) boost immunity, increase energy, reset your digestive system and love yourself first! Food is our first form of medicine and unfortunately the world we live in doesn't make it easy to eat clean and fuel our bodies with love. The beauty of this cleanse is that it allows you to eat! You will nourish your body through food and actively choose to take extra time to cook and care for yourself. This is a radical act of self-love!  

The practice of cleansing is considered a vital part of an Ayurvedic lifestyle, with great potential for improved energy, strength, and immunity, as well as a renewed love of life.

At its root, an Ayurvedic cleanse improves the strength of agni (the digestive fire) in the GI tract and throughout the body by resting and purifying the digestive system. Ayurveda sees balanced agni as one of the most important requirements in achieving optimal health. 

What is an Ayurvedic Cleanse? 

The 4 phases of an Ayurvedic Cleanse: 

  1. Preparation—Here you go!
    A time to clean up your diet and lifestyle in preparation for an effective cleanse. This is when you start moving away from processed foods and towards whole foods. Our welcome gathering will explain how to do this in much more detail and give you tips to do this in a way that works for you.

  2. Active Cleansing—The Heart of the Cleanse
    A period of eating a monodiet of grains, kitchari (basmati rice cooked with split mung beans), vegetables, and plenty of detoxifying fluids. Recipes and a structure of what to eat when will be shared before we begin. You also will have the option learn and add in various lifestyle practices to enhance this process. 

  3. Reintroduction—A moment to integrate back
    A time to slowly diversify the diet, gradually incorporating simple, whole foods (other than kitchari, hallelujah!) and eventually re-introducing common allergens such as wheat, dairy, soy, and nightshades.

  4. Rejuvenation—The Final button
    This is the time to offer deep nourishment to the tissues and to promote rejuvenation throughout the system. 

*If you want individualized support you can book a 1:1 session with Nikki before, during or after the cleanse. 

"As an Ayurvedic Health Coach, Nikki is not qualified to  give medical advice or offer treatments, diagnose a condition, or suggest that a student disregard medical advice. Please refer to your medical doctors or complimentary licensed professionals when appropriate.”